The SWHP (Sanitation, Water and Hygiene Program) is a key part of what Sampurn Development
India (SDI) is trying to accomplish. We wish to enable marginalized people, by providing
them with clean drinking water, and are taking the first step towards completing this goal.
SDI works in Northern India to improve water supplies and sanitation facilities in the
schools and communities. We have also made a practice of repairing hand pumps installed
by the government that have become too run down to work properly. To ensure the quality
of our own work we use only the best materials and technology. This way the wells will
continue to produce water for years to come. We often partner with hospitals to provide
clean water in the communities they work in and to improve the sanitation of their
facilities. In emergencies we provide urgent relief to communities threatened by
disrupted water supplies and disease.
All SDI SWHP projects are designed to contribute to the Millennium Development Goal, for water and sanitation which was developed by the
United Nations in 2000. Its goal is to reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe water and basic
sanitation by 2015.